Unlock the Secrets to SavING 3-5 Strokes Per Round

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  • Stop 3 putts?​​

  • Have better distance control?

  • Stop missing crucial short putts?

  • Master your green reading?

  • Improve your mental game?

  • Save 3-5 strokes per round?

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The 4 Pillars of Putting Success

Master the art of exceptional putting and shave strokes off your game with "One Putt Secrets." This is more than just a book—it's a transformative guide that will revolutionize your approach to putting.

Explore the Four Pillars of Putting Success: Green Reading, Setup, Stroke, and Practice. Equip yourself with the essential tools and insights to become a consistent, confident putter.

Don't let your putting skills hold you back—uncover the secrets to perfect putting today.

Say goodbye to missed putts and hello to lower scores

Suitable for golfers of all levels, this comprehensive and easy to follow guide, empowers you with the necessary knowledge, techniques, and mindset to take your putting game to the next level.


Written by Paul Gray (The Angry Golfer), a putting obsessed golfer, who followed the content and strategies contained in the book, which enabled him to reduce his average number of putts from 34 to 29 and lower his handicap from 9 to 6!

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